Crushed Cayenne


I am trying to move this car crash from Graz to Serbia next month. Hope it works out. This photo is from its installation in Club Transmediale in Maria am Ostbanhoff in Berlin in Feb, 2008. You could climb into the cars in your drunkedn stupor, acting out fake car crashes with people you don't even know.

(side note : speaking of shoulder feels a bit better and I am not drinking for that reason anymore. Though Vienna is quite fun and people always try to treat me to eine grosse bier, I am luckily kind of resistant since I don't like light beers. There is really good soup here and Gulash. )

Its a giant thing though, the size of 2 real cars.
I'm going tomorrow to Graz to meet the artist and see how it needs to be transported.
The gallery in Pancevo is really big, it would be so nice to have a giant art work to fill the space.

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