more real deal ->BERLIN
I'll be somehow less nomadic, like my things will actually have a place to be.
I'm really happy about this because I'll be with Jérôme and also the Meike/Ewe/Nara. :)
I'm kinda afraid also because:
- I don't speak German
- its cold and wet
- I should find work immediately
I asked everyone I know there. Meike and Jérôme are optimistic but aside from that everyone else says 'oh, good luck, its really hard to find work in Berlin'. Yippee.
If you have any tips, leads, contacts or encouraging words, please let me know asap.
DJ not_that_kyd
i was dj last night, in vienna at ElectroGonner during Nik Suchentrunk's Slobberclub.
it was so super, even tho i cannot mix at all! hehe
i was playing the MOST bad music, super cheese (The Roots, Daddy Yankee, Radio Radio, Sean Paul...)
and people danced so much.
the other earlier djs were serious, playing minimal, mashup and some drum and bass, they actually knew what they were doing.
I was laughing so hard the whole time I played because I was playing the most beyond shit music
and people loved it and were dancing, ok, it was pretty late and they were drunk, but still...
then Nik and I played together, making a competition to outdo each other by playing the most low brow, trash song ever,
too funny. I'm not sure if the country music, Sean Paul or Dolly Parton won the competition.
I want to make a party with Nik in Berlin sometime soon, this time we will both prepare our worst shit dance music ever and make a real competition to out-cheese each other.
Dancing guaranteed!
I was nervous before this set, which was just spose to be 50 minutes, so I prepared everything in advance, premixed it and only had to press play. But at the end of the set, there was one reggaeton track and people went completely crazy, so Nik said I was not allowed to stop and then I had to just pick the tracks on the spot, so I did, and completely butchered the mixing but it really didn't matter, people liked it anyways and it was in that second part (which continues for 2 more hours) that things really got funny!
I also made the video for the set. It was super minimal and a huge contrast with the chaotic music. Just a clip of hair blowing in the wind, 40 min long, slow motion... I called the video 'TALE', its a 42 min loop. Its from a short clip I shot in 2005 on the Black Sea in Bulgaria.
models, me, Zosen, Kaja and Gaja.
he does it again!
Here is a video of Jerome and Gjorge drinking cheap wine in Greece (Pancevo)
And Istvan just sent me this for Berlin! Long live!!!
almost after
a few images from the production...

pancevo bandidos

super fashion designer Zosen from the Animal Bandido (Barcelona) label, was here with us in Pancevo and we made a funny photoshoot (care of rakija) in the apartment. Photo by Gaja.
models : me, Kaja_A and Zosen
new baby smokva!
This photo is from just a few days after his birth. He looks so healthy happy and hot! Kinda expected with much cool parents. Hope I can visit soon.

what is really going on
I realised something, from my lack of writing now... I realised there was an underground purpose to starting this blog. I think its possible that I started it to try to learn to communicate with myself and to get over communicating online obsessively with people that are far away. And I think it has works, in that sense, so that could be why I write a bit less now. But also I have just been really busy and my life has been really amazing and crazy in the last couple weeks so there hasn't been much time.
So here, some update, rapidly:
I'm working on this :

Pancevo Art Salon, 2008 : tensions + breaking points
I curated this show for the Pancevo Cultural Center's Contemporary Art Gallery, in collaboration with gallery director Jelena Radic. The Show is going well, everything is set up nicely, I'm happy with it. I got some great help from Jerome and Maruis Schebella for writing the curatorial statement and some help from Meinhart Benn and Weweje to fix up the CMS site. Look on the website for info and archives. We did a graffiti workshop this last weekend and there is an event hosted by Angela Dorrer next weekend.
On the way here from Vienna, Jerome and I traveled through Ljubljana and visited Kaja (a friend I met in yoga class in Lisbon). We went together to the Slovenian Sea, ate a giant meal in a small town and had a funny time with the police (not funny when it was happening, but Kaja's cuteness saved our asses.) Always carry your passport on you in Slovenia. The police man said : "You will now forget that you ever saw us, you will forget this whole event. All you will remember is that the 8th of November is the luckiest day of your lives!!!" Ok ok man. It was finally one of the very best days of my life, so I guess he knew something. Magical jerk police man...

After a series of other possible wrong turns and averted weird events... Jerome and I realised that if we stick together "nothing bad can happen to us now".

We thought about going to Sarajevo, apparently its super nice but the days were so warm and sunny and we were not in a mood to rush around touristing so instead we made am 8 hours drive stretch for 3 days. We drove through small roads between Zagreb(super nice city) and Novi Sad. WE camped in some forests and fields and were amazed that in mid November we could walk around outside naked and not be cold at all!
The place here in Pancevo is really great, a big apartment in the center of the city. One bedroom, kitchen and a giant loft room with many beds. For the first week it was just me and Je here and his week Zosen, Gjorge, Kaja and Gaia were here as well.
We had a graffiti workshop as part of the Salon. I even painted something.
Je went back to Berlin a few days ago, Kaja and Gaia returned to Ljubljana and today Zosen and Gjorge both went home. Now I'll hibernate here on my own till thursday. I have to try to avoid the drinking follies of the hospitable locals! I already had enough of that last weekend! I can't keep up!
This week Angela Dorrer, Yovo Panchev, Andy and a friend of hers from PR will come to Pancevo. I will do an AV set in Nik and Fransizka's Slobberclub evening on November 6th at ElectroGonner in Vienna and then on the 9th I will take a train to Berlin and stay there for a while.
Kaja gave us a Kefir (small bacteria monster) and we carried it here and have been making yogourt each day. I'll try to keep it going for the trip back to Berlin. I guess these never die.
Funny Night in Belgrade with the Pancevo Crew
not much more to say about that.
out of it/here
sorry, if you mind.
I have been really busy on the computer, even got sore eyes from it, so i guess I didn't want to write anything extra.
I did a bunch of work to get the Salon website online:
and then I applied for a residency at Solitude in Stuttgart.
I want to make a curatorial research about loneliness / being alone .
and that's it I guess. Jeje is coming tomorrow. LUCKY me!
and so soon some travel will begin.
I'll leave my tiny apartment in Vienna.
Future plans? hmmm... maybe Ljubljana, Sarajevo, Zagreb then Belgrade from 10th -> 30th of Nov.
The Vienna for a week.
Then Berlin.
here, classic Mimo and Labine:

want it to stop : for a break at least
I am in a sea of emails and collecting files for the exhibition in Pancevo, which is all programmed now and I am very happy about. But right now its the fun part of compiling everyone's texts and the final budget. All day in a pretty cafe, sitting on the computer, like a nerd. At least Christoph visited me for a while here and we laughed so much we even cried.
And now it's time to go meet Angela and Gerhald for another SAUNA PARTY! I forgot my camera again... and its to steamy in there anyways. This one isn't in a nightclub though.
Program for the exhibition:
- Angela Dorrer (Germany)
- Ivana Jovanovic (Serbia)
- Zosen (Argentina/Spain)
- EVOL [Roc Jimenez de Cineros] (Spain)
- Aleksandra Mir (Poland)
- AGF (Germany)
- Robert del Tredici (Canada)
- KUDA.org (Serbia)
- Veljko Onjin (Serbia)
- Istvan Kantor (Canada/Hungary)
- Gjorgje Jovanovik (Macedonia)
- Lucas Abela (Australia)
more details soon. after sauna

Yesterday I participated in the Monochrom Zombie Flash Mob in the center of Vienna.
We were around 20 people with pretty extreme makeup.
People kept asking in the street "what is this protest about? Are you political? Are you fighting against fur coats?"
I guess any gathering of a group of people is assumed to be political these days. Though its pretty hard to be politically engaged and active about it when YOU'RE DEAD! For once, a whole day dedicated just to fun! I have tons of photos, here are just a few of them...
also more photos by Maxi Ratzkowski:
and info in German from the Monochrom site : http://www.monochrom.at/viennese-zombie-brood/
old photo!!!

I frequently get asked how I first came to Bulgaria.
It was because I heard about this event in 2005, Netuser3 Conference hosted by Interspace Media Art Center, on Ostrov Bulshevik, a small island in Bulgaria. During thta event I met many great people that I am still in contact with. One was a co-organizer Ales Zemene, now living in Prague and another is Michael Ashauer, a digital artist living in Vienna. I ran into Ashe recently and he said he still had this photo of me on the island. I just received it now.
What more could a girl want... camping... the sea... wireless internet...
presentation at dorkbot

hm... nothing esle to say about that actually...
Exploding People
While a large reduction in atmospheric pressure on a human usually only causes decompression sickness, there is one case of a sudden massive pressure drop causing a human to explode. In 1983, four divers were in a decompression chamber aboard the Byford Dolphin oil rig. The chamber explosively decompressed from 9 atm to 1 atm following the improper opening of a pressure clamp. The sudden decompression killed all four divers, with the diver nearest the open clamp literally exploding. The rapid expansion of dissolved gases in his body caused the ejection of his internal organs, with one part of his body found 10 m above the chamber.
Human corpses can explode from natural causes. One famous example is that of William the Conqueror. King William I of England was very heavy-set, and at age 60 he was injured when his horse jostled, walking on a hot coal left after burning a town during a siege. William's intestines were ruptured, and he suffered a slow, painful death from peritonitis. It was at the end of a hot summer, there was no refrigeration, and the funeral had to wait until nobles and luminaries had traveled to the church for the funeral. And so his body swelled beyond the size of the coffin that had been made. According to the Oxford Illustrated History of Britain:
On 9 September 1087, William I died. His body was carried to his great church of St. Stephen at Caen. Towards the end of his life he had grown very fat, and when the attendants tried to force the body into the stone sarcophagus, it burst, filling the church with a foul smell. It was an unfortunate ending to the career of an unusually fortunate and competent king.[9]
A slightly more detailed account from Panati (1999) includes:
From postmortem decay the abscess had turgidly putrefied, bloating the corpse and expanding its girth. A group of bishops applied pressure on the king's abdomen to force the body downward (in the coffin) but it moved only inches; the lid still would not shut. Again they pushed, and the abdominal wall, already under intense internal pressure, burst. Pus and putrefaction drenched the king's death garb and seeped throughout the coffin. The stench so overpowered chapel mourners that, hands to noses, many raced for the doors.[10]
thx agf :P

yyyyyeeeessss!!! i finally mananged after like 2 years of searching to download my favorite movie!!!
Nomads, 1986
Till now, it was never available for download, and now its taken almost 3 weeks to get the full file.
I will watch it tomorrow (my b-day)

in Brut (a Vienna bar), for the last 3 weeks there have been SAUNA art parties.
the first week featured art by women, the second, art made by mixed groups and the third, last night was art by men.
Throughout the events a REAL SAUNA was installed in the night club! YES REALLY.
So each week were some artsy sound performances, AV performances (Franziska and Nik were great on mixed night) and some weirdo bands.
So I am picky about music and last night I went with Angela and Marius and met Nik there... but then I wasn't so into the music and was thinking of leaving until... I remembered THE SAUNA.
Yes this really is a real sauna inside of a big night club. It was made of a wood structure covered in kind of clear plastic with a sauna oven inside.
So Angela, Marius, I and some other people got undressed and got in the sauna. And it was so nice wew stayed in there for hours. It wasn't smoky and we were shielded from the outside party and goofy music by the warm ridiculousness of the sauna.
When some outsiders tried to peer in we called them "Schweine!"
I think I'd like to make more sauna parties :) Sorry , no photos because we were so stripped it was not the time to carry cameras. I know someone did take video with a very huge camera...maybe I will find it one day.
she graduated!

This is a photo of my dear friends Lea and Lioubo on Lea's graduation day from International Relations at the Sorbonne.
I met Lea and Lioubo a few years ago in Bulgaria while they were working in Sliven. Lea was working for Medecins du Monde running a health clinic in a Roma Community.
Congratulations to Lea! Now we'll have time to start some projects!
rainbow rabbit : being alone

In regards to this I thought about some relationships with people and how they affected my idea of my personal position. I think in fact they have not affected it, but only have in smaller or bigger ways created illusions around it.
i'm just going to write in general terms, maybe a bit boring, but I don't want to start naming names and details and bla bla.
I have one relationship for example that consists of seeing someone, on occasion and in those moments, being close to them, but a sense of being separate and independent is actually always there. I don't see any of this as a bad thing. The relationship is great and stable and somehow the fact that a reality of being alone always stays in sight makes the whole thing very real feeling and solid.
Another recent relationship was different from this. In knowing this person I somehow had a sense of not being alone on the planet, even if it was just for a short time or for a few short moments. But I don't know how to view this, as it now seems maybe like it was just an illusion that was created, covering the bigger reality of being essentially independent and alone.
Its important to note that I don't see "loneliness" or states of "being alone" as negative. People ask me about this a lot since I travel. In some moments its less fun, frustrating or boring to be on my own, but in just as many moments its great. So like most states of being, its pretty balanced overall and just a state, so I can't see it as a bad thing, or an especially good thing.
I drew no conclusions here... I thought maybe I was going to... maybe later.
real update : october
Answer: Nothing here.
Well, I haven't been online much, no internet at my house (me offline means I can only be online around once a day rather than all day) so I have not been writing very many updates or very elaborate emails. So here, I will try to make some kind of update until I get bored of typing.
I am working on the RAINBOWS project. There is a great open hackerlab here (Metalab), with wifi and an electronics lab and nice helpful people and some friends (I ran into the lovely Marius Schebella in here one day). I was in Graz and saw lots of PD people (Peter Plessas, Johannes Zmoelnig, Florian Hollerweger, Rene Hoffmuller) and Peter and I went to a great electronics super market. They even had wanter pumps that run on 12V which is more pratical than the pump I have right now, so I might have to go back.
I am living next to Angela Dorrer. She's my German artist friend and she recently moved here. In her building (we're in the 20 district) there was a tiny apartment so she rented it for guests and I rented it for this month from her. Its a cool place, just like a winnebago! Like a long skinny apartment, actually not so tiny and quite cute, with a great kitchen. Angela lives upstairs and we share a lot of meals and tea.
I am curating an exhibition for the Pancevo Gallery of Contemporary Art in Serbia. It will take place from the 20th till the 30th of November. I'm researching for that, contacting artists and
Socializing. People here are incredibly friendly and always have time to grab a drink and talk. So somehow, miraculously, I am actually managing to both work and socialize. There are tons of art events, museums, weirdo concerts, performances with people shitting on the floor(boring)....
Have been to : The Slobberclub at Electro Gonner, Flex, Brut, God's Entertainment, Fenster C, Rhiz, Werkzeug H ...
Elsa from Lisbon, put me in contact with Franziska and Nik here. They organize the Slobberclub and are starting ShareVienna soon. They are my entertainment coaches.
I am kind of being a student. Marina Grzinic is teaching in the Post-Contemporary Art Practices Department at the Academie of Fine Art and she invited me to attend the class while I am here in Vienna. The first class was a few days ago and went from 2pm till 11pm with pretty intense discussion the whole time. Class is held in a giant old loft that used to be for theatre set building and students sit on old sofas and can smoke and bring their dogs to class. very different from Concordia.
Proof-reading some texts for Dutch researchers and cultural managers.
Need some english proof-reading or some translation from french -> english? I'm your girl.
ok... that was the business update for this location. more emotion later.
Crushed Cayenne
I am trying to move this car crash from Graz to Serbia next month. Hope it works out. This photo is from its installation in Club Transmediale in Maria am Ostbanhoff in Berlin in Feb, 2008. You could climb into the cars in your drunkedn stupor, acting out fake car crashes with people you don't even know.
(side note : speaking of drinking...my shoulder feels a bit better and I am not drinking for that reason anymore. Though Vienna is quite fun and people always try to treat me to eine grosse bier, I am luckily kind of resistant since I don't like light beers. There is really good soup here and Gulash. )
Its a giant thing though, the size of 2 real cars.
I'm going tomorrow to Graz to meet the artist and see how it needs to be transported.
The gallery in Pancevo is really big, it would be so nice to have a giant art work to fill the space.
quick update
some pain
And what will help the most will be to arrive in Vienna tomorrow and stay there for some weeks.
At 8pm tonight I'll have to move the luggage down the stairs of the hotel... its not going to be fun.
I'm not sure what to do about this. I can't really have less stuff, I am living and working out of these 2 suitcases and I have already purged down to so little belongings. What is traveling with me now is kind of necessary for work, surviving and feeling like a normal person. Maybe I can get a pet llama to help move the things.
My shouders are sore, its a bit hard to sleep. The pain feels like this red bird somehow.
I'll find a yoga school in Vienna and try to go every morning for 4 weeks. I am still doing it on my own but I have been a bit slacker lately.

rainbow music
of course I am right now downloading every single song they ever put out.
here is what it says on allmusic: formed 1974 disbanded 1984
On their second release Rising, Rainbow not only avoid the sophomore jinx; they hit a home run. After replacing the entire band (except Ronnie James Dio) immediately following the recording of the first album, Ritchie Blackmore and the Rising lineup (Blackmore; Dio; Tony Carey, keys; Jimmy Bain, bass; and the late, great Cozy Powell, drums) had plenty of time on the road touring the first album to get the chops and material together for their second. In particular, "Stargazer" really came together on the 1975 tour and featured stunning keyboard work from Carey. The material is uniformly strong, with "Starstruck" and "A Light in the Black" standing out in particular. Ronnie Dio turns in a great vocal on the stunningly direct (under three minutes!) "Do You Close Your Eyes." All six songs on the album are up there with anything the band has done, before or since. The playing has a very tight, colorful feel to it, which was lacking a bit on the first record. This album can legitimately be mentioned in the same breath as classic Deep Purple.

interesting body lines.
side note : I asked the boys where Fatima was. Sadly she had a minor puncture wound that turned out to be fatal for her. She is no longer a part of the bachelor party. RIP

here, there are 6 slovenian guys in this hotel in Belgrade ... one is getting married and they have a blowup sex doll with them, they are partying here for some days. her name is Fatima
she is really fat. I missed the moment to get a photo of the groom just before he went outside in leopard print hotpants.
grey area
glitch on the Serbian radar (not even)
At the border the Serbian guys looked cranky because I have a lot of Kosovar stamps. They overstamped them all with "cancelled"and they did not give me an entry stamp to Serbia. The Macedonians also did not give me an exit stamp, but they often do not.
This means on exit the Serbians can cause problems saying I could have entered illegally. They cna fine me and even put me in jail.
I went right away to ask about this at the Canadian embassy and they said this can be a "big problem" and they sent me to a Serbian police office. When I was at the Serbian police and they said it is a "big problem" and I should return tomorrow morning at 9am with my passport and my bus ticket receipt. They said they don't have stamps.
I asked them what I should have done to avoid all this, because the border guards would not talk to me and I did not want to cause a fuss at the border.
So we'll see what happens tomorrow morning.
lucky me
too young to drive
black and red and yellow market
they are talking about making a website for porno merchandise so funny
they said : can we have video of girls parading "the wears"? ... hihi
there is a local team of 3 young girls and one guy, I guess web designers, and they just left
one British guy just said to another one... "one thing that worries me is that this country is about to go to war, what happens to our in progress website when the war breaks out?"
another one said "this is new territory for me"
photos during setup of Chain Reaction

Marko + Sean putting up the ceiling screen for Kire's work.
RYBN setting up the computers with Linux for Antidata Mining.

Thanks to all the artists who helped install the exhibiting and were so autonomous when installing their own works.
offline messages in the middle of it all
(08:12:47 PM) 274690425: but ur gone
(08:13:09 PM) 274690425: it was super hot before and I was walking and I found a super sexy short dress for a few euros
(08:13:11 PM) 274690425: hehe
(08:13:35 PM) 274690425: i don't know if I was hot before.... but now I should have no trouble getting into fancy discos
(08:14:56 PM) 274690425: it now just rained super hard and I was at the city square and and it was ultrawindy
(08:15:04 PM) 274690425: and a very sad thing happened
(08:15:16 PM) 274690425: one piece of metal on the pony umbrella broke
(08:15:26 PM) 274690425: i will have to look for an umbrella fixer
(08:15:41 PM) 274690425: because the pony umbrella is really too cool
(08:15:56 PM) 274690425: its the only umbrella that doesnt make me feel crowded
(08:16:15 PM) 274690425: i'll find out how to fix it or have to ask ales to send me another one from praha
(08:16:27 PM) 274690425: i got invited back to lisbon
(08:16:33 PM) 274690425: i could go for a month even!
(08:16:41 PM) 274690425: i have nothing really to do in october
(08:16:53 PM) 274690425: and in november its road trip
(08:16:57 PM) 274690425: and :S
(08:17:13 PM) 274690425: one day I must get myself employed........ for realsy
(08:19:39 PM) 274690425: bla bla, i keep taking to u but ur not there
(08:19:48 PM) 274690425: i'll just imagine your responses
(08:20:17 PM) 274690425: today I am way more chill, i woke at 7, sat and drank good tea, did yoga ffrom 8-9
(08:20:57 PM) 274690425: then went to the upgrade meeting, but they were all super jerking off so I left and went to the muiseum and turned on all the computers and projectors and hung out
(08:21:14 PM) 274690425: i met the wife of the norwegian ambassador
(08:21:24 PM) 274690425: and she is young and super sweet
(08:21:52 PM) 274690425: then pd, then sleep, now food... alone for once and actually sitting down
(08:21:59 PM) 274690425: net in this cafe
(08:22:01 PM) 274690425: and
(08:22:23 PM) 274690425: after screenings and after performances and party outdoors
(08:22:29 PM) 274690425: the rain stopped now
(08:22:33 PM) 274690425: fioui
(08:23:02 PM) 274690425: i wish u were here for dinner tho
(08:23:38 PM) 274690425: and i like being on the tech side of stuff rather than theory and public face for once.... i can be antisocial and do physical work, rather than bla bla
(08:23:55 PM) 274690425: we managed to open the exhibition exactly at 8pm, on time
(08:24:04 PM) 274690425: but I was running like mad till the last second
(08:24:17 PM) 274690425: and then i was so tired and sweaty suddenly
(08:24:29 PM) 274690425: so I ran off and showered and changed
(08:24:53 PM) 274690425: and came back a lot later in the night.... happy to have missed the ceremony and bla bla :)
(08:24:58 PM) 274690425: bla bla bla
this is funny, because its super bad and also because some years ago in Turkey I was teaching a video blogging workshop on the theme of conspiracy and honestly, our videos were just about as bad as this one.
thx rawwwwk
digital day

Today was all about building and curtains and cool ceiling projection screens and sweating and hot beer and birthday cake, shopping carts, plaster, and reses chocolates.
Tomorrow, projectors, computers, internet... and most of the artists will be buzzing around.
I have to say that is you want to have some good help installing your big nutty exhibition, call out Pardon, Sean Arden!!! Really loud and he might show up all the way from Canada with his very own toolkit.
upcoming Instructional Videos : how to make a new looking plinth out of some bashed up box made of old cardboard maps and sticks. How to cut a perfect 7 inch hole, without a saw. How to make realy good wifi. (I'm scared)
small place
why isn't it possible to think of seeing each other and it being harmless?
maybe it is possible
maybe it would just be super ok
not a huge deal
i always imagine that upcoming situations and meetings are going to freak out the whole rest of my life... and actually they rarely do
i often like the idea that they could
and I even get disappointed at how banal they are
sometimes I wish I skipped the meeting and kept on with the waiting, just to hold onto the big ideas
i laugh at myself about that a lot actually
so maybe I'm not so into the truth afterall
I think its possible I am way more dramatic and a lot less shy when I am interfaced.
and though I like to think that interfaced talking is totally connected to the real life relationships
its so not
i learned that so many times
"How do I look?"
"Just like always. Just as you’ve always looked."
"And what does that look like?"
"Direct and vague. Sweet and ironic."
hands on
My friend android Jesse in Oklahoma said he thought that going to feed his families animals might not be sexy, so often he didn't tell people when he went to do that.
I told him I am really good friends with the local dogs and cats where ever I live. I love thema nd can't resist touching them. Of course they are super dirty so I always have to carry a packet of antibacterial wipes with me, because I really cant resist touching the animals.
I also usually visit zoos when I travel. The Skopje Zoo... looks like it has been bombed and smells special... the Sofia Zoo is really nice... exquisite tigers. And I was surprised ot be up there and actually run into a friend, Kosio. Very random meeting place.
I spent all day today in the city museum pondering the space and taking measurements.
Why do digital artists feel so attached to digital images... screens and projections... out of nearly 30 pieces, there are no pieces without images and only 4 or 5 sculptural works. Is this a trend withing the Upgrade! circle or across the board in digital art?
Recently I decided to make the RAINBOWS project without any monitor at all, it will have mechanical controls, and use just lights and sounds as indications. And thinking about all these flashing screens i will be around soon is just makinbg me feel beter about that choice.
I want to explore interaction and action and how to instruct users without just using instructions and on screen indications. Back to basics and hands on.
me mordre

When Tennur and I were walking in the city square some weeks ago we saw this girl. Tennur took this photo. I wanted to take her home with me, but I bet she would bite me. I want to be her when I grow up.

"seuls les français sont des emotionnels"

Par rapport au Canadiens, Jerome a dit: "vous êtes des machines qui se battent contre la neige à longueur d'hiver" disant... typiquement des non-emotionelles....
Its true maybe some how that its sometimes seen as shocking in Canada if you are super emotional.
I am in Skopje, working on the technical arrangements and exhibition layout of the Upgrade! International meeting Chain Reaction. Its from September 11th-14th. The event is a big one for Skopje and the main venue is the City Museum. Its full of artifacts, coins, stones, maybe even skulls... i forget... and we are installing all the digital art works amongst the museum collection.
I feel a lot better since I returned here to Macedonia. People are kind and human and the food is nice. Its very calm here, although we do have quite a chaotic job to organize this festival.